Youth Hub
The Family Links Service at Rosemount Lifelong Learning has an exciting opportunity for young people to access. RLL Youth Hub is a hybrid model of personal development sessions and peer support group for young people to learn new skills, gain a qualification and attend an activity of their choice.
Young people can be referred by an external organization, parent/guardian or young people can refer themselves.
Call 0141 553 0808 or email michael.young@rosemount.ac.uk for more info.

Our target group is young people who are aged 14 to 18 years who are, or were, affected by alcohol or drug addiction. This can be either themselves or within the family. We understand that family attachment is important and Rosemount Lifelong Learning will also accommodate support for the family of the young person who attends the programme, if required, from our Family Links Service. This programme will be offered for young people who live in the North-East area of Glasgow.

The Programme
Young people will increase their life skills, self-esteem and confidence:
Taking part in activities that are tailored to meeting the needs of young people who have been affected by living in an environment in which drugs and alcohol are prevalent. Activities will be around drug and alcohol awareness, sexual health, independent living and grief and loss. Young people will be given the opportunity to plan and deliver a fundraising project that's success is dependent on the participation of all group members. The funds raised will go directly back to the Young People who will be able to use the funding to attend an event, training opportunity, concert, day out or overnight stay.
Young people will have increased resilience and coping strategies to deal with parental/family misuse:
Young people will have a dedicated worker that adopts a ‘being there’ approach. All activities will be approached from an informal education standpoint. Sessions will run for 6 weeks for 3 hours, once a week between 4:30-7:30pm. The sessions will include Learning Activities and fundraising training within the curriculum and sessions to be designed by the Development Worker with input from young people.
Families will be encouraged to take part in meaningful activities to help them deal with their own issues and will be offered support to stay together: Development Worker will visit young person’s family home on a needs lead basis throughout the programme, as well as an initial home visit to meet family and young person. The visits are to ensure the wellbeing of young people and to explain programme further. This could potentially be linking families with drug and alcohol workers, or with progression opportunities that lead to education, training, or employment.