Young Parents Project
Aim High
Aim High delivers a range of support to young people aged 16-25 who are lone parents living in Glasgow. We offer support to young parents who are experiencing major change in their lives and seek to enhance the employment/ learning prospects for young people leading to increased family income and the ability to access additional activities, increase community networks and opportunities for the family. We have built in opportunities for the young parents and their children to take part in activities together to encourage parents to get involved with their child’s learning and development as well as their own.
Sessions are delivered face-to-face, either in a groupwork session or individually, tailored to each individual’s needs.
For more information contact:
Tricia: triciad@rosemount.ac.uk | 07921464134
or Kiran: kirandulai@rosemount.ac.uk | 07701338495
Our Young Parents Project launched the BABA App. The BABA app is Glasgow’s first tool and resource for Young Parents/Expecting Parents created by our Young Parents. We are committed to ensuring that App grows in use to support young parents across Glasgow in terms of supporting positive outcomes for young parents and their families across the city. I hope you could also share this within your network for it to really benefit young families across the city.
Baba App Link: Home | baba